President’s Letter


The 2017 IAHC officers:

President:  Tim Fleck

Vice President:  Daphne Wyatt

Secretary:  Pat Crutchett

Treasurer:  Rebecca Fleck

Director At Large:  Jan Decker

Membership Chair:  Rebecca Fleck

Dick Shelton will continue as the Newsletter Editor and Ashley Teunis as Website Manager.

As IAHC President, I will re-institute a past policy of a President’s message in the newsletter, and welcome input from members as to the activities you wish the club to offer.

IAHC is investigating the possibility of hosting a Equine Seminar to be held in the Fall of 2017.  The AHA Sport Horse National Show will be held September 2017 in Raleigh NC, dates to be published at a later time when class scheduling is finalized from AHA.

I would like to know what topics for articles members would like to see included in the IAHC Newsletter (i.e. feed, training, hoof care, or general horse husbandry).

Let us make the IAHC the “go to” organization for the Arabian horse owner and enthusiast in Indiana.  I encourage your involvement.

Tim Fleck
